At Prokop Insurance we never like to explain DWI or DUI: How They Impact Your Car Insurance Rates. Driving while intoxicated (DWI) or Driving Under the Influence (DUI) is a serious offense that can increase your car insurance rates. DWI and DUI are often used interchangeably but refer to different crimes. A DWI or DUI conviction can result in fines, license suspension or revocation, and even jail time.
In Minnesota, DWI stands for “Driving While Intoxicated.” This offense occurs when a person operates a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of 0.08 or higher or under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
On the other hand, DUI stands for “Driving Under the Influence.” This offense typically refers to driving under the influence of drugs, illegal, prescription, and even over-the-counter medications that can impair driving.
What Types of Vehicles Can Result in a DWI or DUI Charge in Minnesota?
What are the consequences?
- If you get a DWI, your car insurance company may think you are a high-risk driver. This means that you are more likely to get into an accident and make a claim. Because of this, you may have to buy high-risk car insurance. This kind of insurance is more expensive than regular car insurance. It’s for people who have a history of bad driving, like getting into accidents, getting traffic tickets, or getting a DWI. High-risk car insurance can be very expensive, so it’s important to try to avoid it if you can.
- If you get a DWI, you may also lose your driver’s license. This means you won’t be able to drive your car for a while. It can be hard to get around without a car, and you may have to rely on other people to take you places. Your rates can go up by at least 50%, which is a lot of money.
- If you get your license back after a DWI, you may need to get an SR-22 certificate of insurance. This is a document that proves you have car insurance. It’s used for people who have had problems with their driving record. Having an SR-22 can make your car insurance rates go up even more.
It’s important you think twice about getting intoxicated by alcohol or taking drugs anytime before driving. If you need to go somewhere, ask someone to drive you or use a taxi or ride-sharing service.
If you have questions about your car insurance rates after a DWI, contact the Pros at Prokop Insurance. We can help you understand what you need to do to get your rates back down.